



Published on


3rd January, 2023


Dear Ibrahim Gusau,


The NFF Elective Congress 2022 which you ended up been elected as the 40th President of the Federation took place amidst turbulence, but Nigerians needed a change and stood by the Federation to the end.


You emerged victorious at the end of the day, thereafter all parties who supported the elective Congress or not decided to throw support behind you either willingly or by your effort at reconciliation.


Your administration was greeted with constitution of the Interim Management Committee to rebirth the league by the Hon Minister of Sports Sunday Dare, out of uncommon wisdom, you were not opposed to the decision but accepted to work with the committee.


When the same committee which was supposed to be a creation of the Federation but incidentally or circumstantially was a creation of the Minister got in to turbulence as the Club Owners became a threat to their attempt to rebrand the league, you stood by the IMC, quite commendable.



The second challenge that greeted your coming in to office was the match fixing scandal, arising from the Auwalu Baba Jada viral video on how he and his co-workers fixed the match day 38 games of the 2021/2022 NPFL involving Wikki Tourist vs Katsina United and Pillars vs Shooting Stars.


The Baba Jada viral video became an international scandal and was even discuss on super sports a sports channel of international reputation and reach by a panel of front line discussants.


As the head of the body vested with the responsibility of fixing the seemingly incurable ills bedeviling our football, you are duty bound to restore the dignity of our football especially the NPFL by ensuring that the match fixing scandal is investigated thoroughly and all those behind it revealed.


Addressing the match fixing scandal needs courage, honesty, trustworthiness and responsible leadership. You will have to stand your grounds in the same manner you did and rescued the IMC from the hands of the Club Owners.


This is a litmus test for you, and as a matter of fact more complicated than the abridge or unabridge league dichotomy and with tendency of some big goons in the industry posing serious threat, resistance and blackmail to frustrate you.


It is now or never, you have to demonstrate genuine leadership and make public the findings of the investigations of NFF. What you will do in this case will be a determinant of confidence and restoration of integrity of your office as president and an enhancement to the commercial value of the league.


While I, other football enthusiasts and stakeholders impatiently wait for your executive board to do the needful on the match fixing allegations and save our football, I urge you to accept the assurances of my esteemed regards.


Yours Faithfully,


Austin Tyowua


Arewa Sports Journalists’ Hangout Group