



Published on


24th April, 2022


To me, Didier remains the person that can help Ivorian football quickly regain its lost glory. Let’s see what Mr. Yacine Diallo Idriss will do for them in the next years. Drogba’s personality would have created great openings for them. He only has to start his plan right now. Time to go back to the drawing board and get some things right.


Didier did well by bringing these set of mafians to a test and I believe that hasn’t ended yet. He will remain a check on their activities. We only pray Ivorian Football will never become so spoilt to the point of no repair.


Does he also have to start helping develop football in Ivory Coast by staging football development projects like training of coaches and football administrators and by sponsoring them on travels abroad to study and on refreshment courses like what the others have been able to do in the past years? Loyalty shouldn’t be bought and it seems clear that they’ve seen that things aren’t working with these leaders any longer, but have stuck to them only because of such favours.


They ended up using those coaches, administrators, and clubs they pumped in money in other to pull in votes. So sad. But it is the reality that played a role here.


I think this is one of the major things that made those guys and clubs choose to remain loyal to this set of individuals that I believe killed Ivorian football.


If there is a foul play then it has to be proven, since these set of leaders have been known to be master skimmers.



Didier Yves Drogba Tebily is now 42 years old. An Ivorian that started his football with Tourcoing FC in his country in the eighties and ended in 2018 with Phoenix Rising in the USA 2018. He featured for the West African nation for 12 good years before retiring from active football.


His 65 goals make him the best West African country’s top scorer and he has the third-highest number of international appearances for his nation.


He has been to 5 Africa Cup of Nations tournaments and 3 World Cups. He was just inducted into the Premier League Hall of Fame, and he remains the man of the Ivorian people. All eyes will be on him on his next move.

If it were possible, CAF and FIFA would announce Didier11 as President of FIF but we are in a democracy or have to pretend and accept we are in one. He is far better and a better business for them than Mr. Diallo.


He should never give up on his vision to save Ivorian football from decay. The building time has started.


Austin, Gsports production